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Selectmen's Minutes December 30, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 30, 2003

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

SUBJECT: Building Permit-101 Ferrin Road
Present: Building Inspector; Dave Paveglio

This permit was issued for temporary in-law use.  The Board was concerned that the property owner was not fully aware of the limitations of this permit.  The zoning regulations clearly state mobile home (a steel frame unit). A modular is a wood frame unit. The Board would like to discuss this with Mr. Kelly.  Lisa will set up an appointment for next week.  The building inspector will attend also.  Lisa will reschedule the Budget Committee for 6:30pm and schedule Mr. Kelly and Mr. Paveglio for 6:00pm.

SUBJECT: Harkness Water Test Results

The Board was waiting, unaware that the Harkness’s were in the lobby waiting, and the Harkness’s had to leave at 6:50pm for another meeting.  Selectman Arey spoke to Mrs. Harkness later in the evening and apologized for the confusion and indicated the Board would get the information forwarded to her.

SUBJECT: Chief Clarke
Present: Patrick Clarke, Bob Kitson

Patrick has been called to active duty.  Pat presented his proposed solutions for manpower to the Board. Options include promoting Bob to Lieutenant and have him assume the duties of the Chief; extend the hours of the Police Administrative
Assistant; hire a new full time patrolman or try to cover the shifts with part time personnel.  The Selectmen will review this carefully and discuss it with the Budget Committee next Tuesday before making a final decision.

Pat’s pay schedule was discussed next.  The town has included Military Leave in its Personnel Policies.  This allows for payment of the difference in pay from the military rate.  Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman Colbert to pay the difference of $17658.40 between the police department pay and the military pay.  Two in favor; one no.  Motion passed.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectmen DeBold to pay Chief Clarke his vacation and holiday pay for 2004 in advance.  All were in favor.  

SUBJECT: Fire Department
Present: Chief Prickett, Deputy Chief Paveglio, Deputy Chief Sanborn, Stephen Stock, Chris Drew and Budget Committee member Steve MacCleery

The fire department is having trouble with the batteries on radio equipment purchased this year.  The equipment is still under warranty and the department is waiting on a response deadline of December 31, 2003 from the company.  If the fire department does not get a satisfactory response, they asked the Board for their support and blessing for getting the town attorney involved.  The Board agreed.    Selectman Arey suggested they contact the Attorney General’s Office as well.

Chief Prickett submitted the 2004 Cable Franchise Fee request for equipment.  The Board stated they had received and reviewed it with no decision made to date.  

In regards to the Selectmen voting to not recommend the fire departments proposed warrant article for a full time Fire Chief, Chief Prickett feels the Board of Selectmen dropped the ball on making an informed decision.  The fire department is very disappointed and found the communication to be lacking.  Deputy Paveglio asked if attendance was necessary at the meeting with the budget committee to discuss this proposal and was told no.  Deputy Chief Sanborn stressed the Board had already formed an opinion and failed to act as an elected official by allowing the department an opportunity to present their data at a public meeting.  “The Board has made an uninformed decision.”   Chairman Colbert apologized to the department and stated perhaps the Board had acted to hastily on that one.  A presentation was scheduled for January 20, 2004 with the Selectmen and the Budget Committee.  Lisa gave Chief Prickett the date scheduled for the audit and asked that all pertinent documents be forwarded to the office.  

SUBJECT: Non-Public Session
Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Motion made at 9:30pm by Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3.   all were in favor.

Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman DeBold to come out of non-public session at 10:35pm.  All were in favor.

One vote was taken during this non-public session.

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman Colbert to keep the minutes of the non-public session non-public.  All were in favor.  

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Mail and e-mail was reviewed.  Checks were signed.  The minutes of December 23, 2003 were approved as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                                        APPROVED AS CORRECTED

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